Sensory Integration Therapy

a. How Occupational Therapy helps with sensory integration issues:
b. Information on evidence-based strategies to help children better regulate their sensory processing needs:


c. Sensory Integration in Paediatrics: An introduction to Ayres sensory integration:

Presentation by two occupational therapists trained in sensory integration therapy which  explains Ayres sensory integration theory and sensory processing difficulties:

d. Finding miracles in daily occupations:

It was said that occupational therapy is the best-kept secret – we are opening our box of secrets to show you our regular day of work. Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI) & animal-assisted intervention are just some of the approaches we have in our #backpack of skills. And all of them we use to show you that miracles are in daily occupations, and daily occupations are used to enable a child to participate in all that he wants, needs, or has to:

e. Ayres Sensory Integration : Making the ordinary come alive:
f. Recent Report by The National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP), which recognized Ayres Sensory Integration as Evidence Based Practice: