a. Neurodiversity: Explanation by Professor Amanda Kirby
We are increasingly using the term Neurodiversity and there is a challenge in terms of what constitutes, defines, or confines this term. It is a delicate path we tread describing the strengths as well as challenges that people (including many members of my family) experience that are often limited by societies’ views. In the past (and now) there is tension between gaining a diagnosis and not being defined by single labels or narrow definitions but the labels at the same time getting you support. #prisons #dyslexia #learners #neurodiversity #adhd #asd …. we need to continue this debate. #mentalhealth. I present some terms and common traits associated with labels being used.

b. Animated video explaining autism:
This short, insightful video gives an excellent and simple explanation of what autism is and what it is like to be autistic and to have sensory processing difficulties.
Produced by: https://amazingthingshappen.tv/