Watch this video to learn about possible signs of sensory integration issues. This video shows an expert panel of health professionals discussing how sensory integration or sensory processing affects children and the real-life stories of parents of children with sensory issues:
a. Signs of slow processing speed:

b. Pathways:
For information, resources and videos about developmental stages, sensory motor issues and other topics visit
c. A better understanding of our sensory system and sensory integration with Dr Susanne Smith Roley
Our sensory system has a profound impact on our everyday experiences and how we react to our world. Maybe a noise is annoying, a light too bright or an article of clothing feels just not right. For children with special needs such as autism, ADD and more, sensory struggles may be magnified to the point where they have a significant impact on their perception of the world. What may seem just fine to us, may be threatening to them.
Understanding the sensory system and its role in a child’s life is what Dr. Susanne Smith Roley covers in this podcast, including sensory seekers, sensory avoiders, body awareness and much, much more. By the end of this podcast, you should have a good understanding of terms such a proprioceptive, vestibular, temporal, and spatial awareness:
d. Dr. Diane Parham talks about the relationship between sensory integration and academics
Diane discusses her research into how sensory integration relates to children’s performance in maths and reading. She found that SI is a stronger predictor of academic performance than IQ and socioeconomic status combined, particularly for performance in maths: